Wednesday, January 20, 2010

i'm having a creative block and it's not because of lack of ideas, but because of lack of time to consider them!  i am much busier at the moment than i like to be and i haven't made a single thing since my last post.  class started back up for my master's degree and i'm either gone to class, working on homework, or at work all the time.  i'll stop complaining now... or i won't!  i will be posting less for awhile, which is probably fine for everyone but me.   and just keep in mind, that while i'd like to be making this:


or this:

i'll actually be reading this:

and this:

and this:

all of which are contributing to my genius... don't get me wrong.
have a great week!


  1. Boo for classes. Yeah for Master's degree. And yeah for you figuring out those pillows so you can teach me too!

    We can do this weekend if you all are still good. Just let us know when!

  2. I'm typing on my little "toy" right now! It's so cute. I even have a tiny red mouse. Yes, I'm a wimp. I LOVE the wreath! You must learn to make it. Your grandma would have loved it too. Are you going to learn how to make a fireplace out of pumice stone,too?

  3. You just reminded me that I need to finish my rosette felt pillows!

  4. alright so when I saw your book, "The Truth About Dibels" I thought of "The Truth About The Bells"...

